Chris Chin

Tell me again how the guy who ripped off my mirror and gashed my door from lane splitting and cost me nearly $2300 in body work and repainting is relieving congestion “for us people?” If you can’t see the the backassward logic to supporting lanesplitting but shunning crossing a line in an empty corner then, repeat

Because that Limo clearly had to watch out for that nobody coming around the corner. You missed that part about the corner being empty which is a big contingent in the situation...but it’s ok to split between a bunch of people..who might change lane at the last minute which is a more volatile situation and yet, you


So it’s ok for motorcyclists to ride lines (lanesplit) (as long as it’s in a safe manner) but not ok for car drivers to cross over lines (as long as it’s in a safe manner, like in an empty, visibly open corner, as in the GIF) for smoother cornering?

Good point sir!

I’m going to venture and guess it was static electricity that caused the gas to spark. Turbulent air, especially through vacuum, produces a lot of static charge via friction of air masses (like how lightning works).

Pebble Beach and chill? TFTI

“Nobody pushed diesel in the U.S. passenger car market the way Volkswagen and Audi did” If I wanted a fun-to-drive front-wheel drive BMW sedan I would get a Honda Accord Sport. (yes Honda Accord Sport sedans are actually fun to drive)

My apologies for doubting you. :) Sorry you had to go through this!

Sorry I didn’t get my terminology right. I tried my best to describe it as you can see. I just did my axles on my 2011 V6-6 Accord so I know it has to be done.

I honestly never tried doing it with an impact gun without unbending the lip. It’s pretty small lip but it’s thick as hell and is a lot stronger than you’d think.

Did the guy even un-bend the lip of the spindle nut that keeps it locked in place—Because when you replace the nut you hammer in the nut lip into that square recess in the center bit to lock it.

Where’s John Bunnell when you need him

Ya but Volvo’s trying to egg themselves more upmarket to better compete with the premium brands.

And holy crud...this literally took place in my backyard...I drive Rt 4 every day through Hackensack..scary shit.

Even with proper maintenance via the factory schedules though, BMW designs these cars and indirectly instructs owners to make the life expectancy of these cars as long as the average lease, in other words, short, so they can be rolled into a new one. In the late 1980s, they began touting their “lifetime sealed

not quite, read my comment to Longbow.