
So you mean like a 928 instead of a 911?

How can you say yes to RX but no to Wankel. If it doesn’t have a rotary, it’s not an RX. It’d be like a 911 with a V8 up front.

Yeah. There’s no political agenda here, no worries. Simply recounting some crazy stories. If you’d like, I can recount the millions of stories involving friends who rode safely to their destinations, but it would make boring reading. I’m actually looking into getting my bike license this very minute - I have my eye on

Probably exactly what I do: move over a few inches to let them by more safely.

He must have ate all the fitnesses

I predict an abrupt spike in teenage mortality.

Or moms in Suburbans applying makeup while driving. Or assholes in BMWs that routinely swerve in and between lanes because they are too busy talking on the phone to pay attention to driving. Or semis that decide to change lanes without looking. And so on and so on.

Lol fitness. Fuck off

#1 answer: when there are a LOT more self-driving cars than there are the kind piloted by meat sacks.

You need a solution to this:

Eliminating the fear that you will be murdered to death by an F-150 or Range Rover

I’m so very disappointed that no one is referring to it as a ‘Fiata’.

Thank you for taking the time for writing this piece and for including cites. Seriously, I appreciate the time it took and found it informative. I think the time has come to revisit the rules and the bureaucracy that’s evolved to administer them.

They don’t “... deeply regret this has happened”

If I crank up my 2-stroke weed-whacker and chainsaw and do yard maintenance for a few days each year... I’ve likely polluted much more than a modern VW TDI pollutes in it’s lifetime. The current crisis is being reported as if VW was committing a significant crime against nature (pollution), when in fact the real crime

VW right now.

Because Oregon Trail was real nice about your death

Destiny, a social game all about saving the galaxy with your buddies that has absolutely no social tools to help you find buddies to save the galaxy with.

You can have that one on the house Jason Schreier.

some of us older folk do not have a circle of video game friends.

That’s what makes Destiny great. It’s not afraid to be excluding. You’re not geared enough, or simply not good enough? Tough shit. Go play the strike playlists and come back when you’re ready.