I thought he was just replacing a light bulb.
I thought he was just replacing a light bulb.
Get Bieber to egg his house, He might be Hillbilly enough
If enough of us like this comment, it comes true. It comes true, people.
That’s the “Oh I just pooped myself.” face... I know it well...
As someone who once nearly lost an Altima, I can completely empathize with what the owner of the Sentra is going through during this challenging time.
Because they live in Japan.
Most cringeworthy video I’ve seen in a while. Can ferrari use their super douche powers to confiscate this car from this particular ass clown. I mean they send out cease and desist orders all the time for lesser things right?? I can’t image it would be to hard to find the owner either.
I bought this for less than $15k in great condition. Although the Touareg isn’t your typical regular car, a V10 twin turbo diesel power plant is rare in any form outside of a fifth wheel hauler. I know it’s not on eBay but it’s as realistic of a price you can get, I bought the thing! Cmon Tavarish give me a pass, this…
I really hate the way TotalBiscuit talks about “professional critics” like they’re some kind of haughty upper class, while making a living critically appraising games. It’s a completely disingenuous attempt to place himself as an outsider, even though he holds the exact same position in the talking-about-videogames…
Nissan shows us a light, RWD coupe that everyone screams for them to put into production.
I know a lot of people who reverse out of a parking space in the same manner.