Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.

That’s what I think also, it probably draws on the suits he made for spidey.

Eh not that hard.

I like the lime and black pepper because I can eat more before my mouth gets a chemical peel, if you eat too much S&V it makes your mouth raw.

I like my presidents at least smart enough to know how to procreate, it’s a low bar obviously, but even B/W pandas can’t clear it.

Hennessy is going to have more nice things to say about you next time he’s on TST...

I’ve been out of the tv loop for a while, is there a reason 4k tvs are suddenly super cheap? It seems that they are now the same price as 1k tvs were 5 years ago, is there something I’m missing? Or has the cost to make them just plummeted?

I’ve been out of the tv loop for a while, is there a reason 4k tvs are suddenly super cheap? It seems that they are

100% if you put a jalop sticker on and sent pics to hardibro they’d at least give a mention.

He is saying that since she slept with someone for financial gain she can’t possibly have an opinion on someone sexually harassing her. And for that, he can jog on.

I’m in canukistan so new belgium is the only american sour brewers I have seen, We have dandy here in Calgary, and they are pretty great.

I will fight you.

Fuck off, you victim-blaming douchebag.

I’m sure a good litigation lawyer could come up with a case that would make it worth my while, or at least make a big enough stink that it makes his job suck.

Jesus that cop is useless. Should have asked him to write a ticket for road rage and said I’ll see you in court.

I also liked that they “spoiled” the outcome by having Thor act all nonchalant that he won and banner being skeptical, I was honestly expecting Thor to get wrecked.

Yeah the way they got killed off nonchalantly was pretty surprising,


I would pay to watch the full play, and I’m dead serious.

I would love to see a comic where superman is actually constantly shadowing batman making sure he doesn’t die and can defeat his villains, just so that he keeps paying for the JL clubhouse.

Welcome to the club.