Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.

Screw that, it I’m going to be in an uncomfortable seat I’ll be damned if I’m not wearing something comfortable. As long as I am dressed and showered what does it matter what clothes I’m wearing?

But but we have the greatest outdoor show on earth™! And we are the closest international airport to Banff!

Shut it, you!

Sunglasses in no way make it safe.

Gary Busey? Maybe?

Pretty accurate use of the word IMO

No, he meant pedant.

I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying!

There are people who you just know are great at sex, and Rihanna seems like she would definitely medal if there was a sex olympics.

That is 100% what it is. Rihanna can get it anytime she wanted, she is in my top 5 “I love you, but if they asked...”. FWIW, this straight man also has Idris Elba on that list...

That is clearly Zapdos.

Fair, only a child could sit behind me and I’m an inch shorter.

I’m 6'4" and fit pretty well, my only real complaint is where the edge of the sunroof is (right above your head so spikey hair rubs it)

I have, and it’s more accurate.

I will be you second, waffles or death!

This article is bad and you should feel bad.

And here I was, thinking it was spelt “Fitleist”.

It’s drop bears, they come out of nowhere!

Oh I am on Macron’s side, just pointing out that it was his choice that made Trump look like an imbecile.

Oh this was all Macron, Trump was trying to get away and even says “let go now”