Sir Gibler

Does the new bootscreen/general new Xbox branding give anyone else a raging boner? I mean this new Xbox branding is damn sexy.

If Jesus, and Lady Gaga had a baby...

So I watched the video and I'm confused. I understand that the oil sticks to the pad, but does the device have to swim back to shore/a cleaning vessel to have the pad cleaned?

Do cupcakes have less calories than froyo?

Can you even access the Android Market on a wifi only device?

Haven't I seen this on here before?

I hope it's unibody design makes it past the approval process.

Holy shit she looks like an alien. This should be cross-posted to io9 immediately.

I raffed, do I ruse?

Dat lead picture. I need a wallpaper size of it.

I'm so happy some of my trust fund money is invested in Apple.

That makes oodles of sense. "You're mishandling my money; let's waste money arguing about it in court while we're at it."

Good news everyone! I see no mention of eFuse.

This has gotta be the most leaked phone ever.

Reading, PA... we needz a meetup... MAKE IT FUCKING HAPPEN. Or at least visit me at work.

The second I hear that a skinless Android 2.2 ROM is out for this thing I'll be all over it.

He'll be dead by tomorrow morning a la 4chan.

In other news, the sky is blue.