Sir Gibler

... Yes, but Avatar was also a good movie. On top of that, most of those are children's movies with the exception of The Last Airbender. In The Last Airbender's case it just, well, sucked. You cant really just look at the numbers when you're talking about this kind of thing.

I'm starting to think someones just pushing them at this point.

Downloaded it last night, and I still have yet to get it to work. I think it might be because I tried it while using my MicroCell but who knows.

Just don't look at it that way.

@link12245: And yes this new algorithm was developed by AT&T. Stop being an asshole, an asshole who's also wrong.

This 4.0.1 update has been dropping my calls like no ones business... IN MY HOUSE.... WITH MY MICROCELL. I had no problems with connecting to the MicroCell until now. I'm now convinced, since it's AT&T's bar calculating algorithm, that they have no business being in the cell phone business.

Or just hold off until tomorrow and listen to hear Apple's announcement. I'm guessing they'll be announcing free bumpers for everyone who purchases before tomorrow and that the new iPhones sold after tomorrow will have the coatings on the stainless steel. Thank god I decided to wait for the white ones.

This is what we get for saying Windows Phone 7 looked good. Now Microsoft is going to slowly ad Metro UI to everything.

I doubt this is to create their own Google Earth. This is probably for embedding into iLife, most likely to give some more flair to the geotagging features.

The more karma points you get the less Google reads your emails.

First off shouldn't you guys edit out his address on the letter? #tips #corrections Secondly, I hope my family gets a letter saying that they want to refund the money we payed for ours. We just got one, and we've got 4 iPhones (an iPhone 4, 2 3GS's, and a 3G). Our data plans are unlimited on 2 and 200MB on the others.

Suing, as American as Apple™ pie.

Why in god's name would Gizmodo ever send its own kind into Jezebel?