
So if you were to come back to your job even if you won the lottery/retire but would prefer not to check emails on the weekends, are you happy or not at work?

I think there's two paths here, one is how happy you are in your immediate job, the other is how happy with what your'e doing career wise

The lottery/retirement

Backstreets back alright!!!!!

Germany was so dominant they scored a touchdown and kicked an extra point in football

Gundams, Godzilla, maybe throw in an Eva, add a Megazord for kicks, and throw in King Ghidora. You have all my attentions

It's like if Homeworld had a baby with Oblivion and Myst
i mean..there's a Tet....

So where's my Jean Valjean mission?

Croatia already trapped brazil into scoring for them

K Ubisoft In Trouble Over Comments About Female Characters 19,057g91 O Yannick LeJacqProfileFollowUnfollow O Yannick LeJacq Filed to: Far Cry Far Cry 4 Kotakucore Ubisoft E3 E32014 Shooters Gender Sexism Twitter 6/11/14 11:00pm 46 minutes ago eEdit aDelete iInvite lInvite manually BPromote XDismiss XUndismiss bBlock

April fools comes early


So where is my TNG X-Men Crossover

Because we know the only thing more awesome than one patrick stewart, is two patrick stewarts

A teeny tiny chance to be in a star wars movie
An almost guaranteed chance you'll be blurred out by lens flare

Keith Davids made it cooler!!!!

Question will be how many owners will feel that Sterling presence damages their own basketball brands enough to counter sue. NBA lawyers + Owner lawyers could make this a very uneven fight

I learned a lot of my early world history through Age of Empires and Rome Total War, utilized those games as projects in my high school classes and was probably the only reason my parents even allowed me to play video games. So yeah...I agree with his points

Bear necessities

The dialogue in this still makes me cringe

This is what facebook will do when they buy out flappy bird

Go to Edwards AFB, you'll get an idea. Also wouldn't all drones qualify as having no windows?