
M Night Stopmakingmovies is the true devil

Now Macross is a space opera

@Quilt: should I be ashamed to know who Alexis Bledel is?

need to change pants

This settles it, I will marry a hot astrophysicist and never need tv or games ever again

I can't believe we spent a week on this subject in my Aerodynamic class...when its just as easily explained with a small diagram and an article on io9..

@cassiebearRAWR: I hate the vuvuzelas, but I approve of using them against these people. I approve a chorus of them against these people from all sides

Picketing in front of a large crowd of cosplayers who might be carrying weapons.....this will go down well

@Zonky: Apparently the PSU is inside the case, so no

black is the new white.....why cant my consoles be pink

I have work at 5am on Monday...luckily my workplace is like 10 miles from the bar


When I was in college, I was going to bed at 4-5am, work (and the prospect of a traffic-less commute) changed all that, my company luckily let me pick when I wanted to come in and when I wanted to leave, so I am waking up at 4am now everyday to get to work by 5am. Not sure how I was able to do it, but somehow I've

No, god no, please no, no no no no no no no no

Squirrel= Im reading this article now

Spartan + Boba fett would be better imo

lets quit the whining about what type of game it is (and whether we have too little or too much of said genre) and just enjoy the fact that it was a pretty entertaining trailer.......

"luke, trust your feelings"

Lack of soundtrack....yes solely the reason this game bored the crap out of me, that and the cheesy ragdoll effect when you hit something

and i thought real rat's were abominations