Peta again using their time to wonderfully entertain the world
Peta again using their time to wonderfully entertain the world
OMG its Suzaku
In all truths, since Blizzard already went this far, they might as well make one for zerg and protoss as well then throw it in as an in game option for the casual players. Maybe restrict it out of online play depending on balance issues but it would definitely be a cool offline option/cheat for non campaign modes
its people like this that make me appreciate how dumb things provide such wonderful entertainment
No seriously.....I was just getting over her from AX last year and 3 posts involving her in just two days....all which has greatly increased her hotness
They need to make a game where you have the option of turning it into a T-rated or M-rated versions
Is it me or does the girl with the red hair look a bit like claire bennet from heroes
I worked backstage/main events during AX 2008 and escorted her around during her often random shopping at exhibit hall after her autograph panel. She is perhaps most down to earth celebrity and definitely one of the cutest and most energetic idol. Her interest in video games, anime, and love for cats...for some people…
Dont expect much out of gameplay but if the story is good, who knows
Its probably going to be a translated version of chain of memories that came with the KH Final Mix in japan
more evidence why X-Men 3 is up there with the original Hulk as one of the worst movies of all time. Here's an idea for Ratner though. Have him cast that kid who quit school to devote himself to a Guitar Hero career, give him a prosthetic arm and make him do a Perfect on Through the Fire and Flames Expert mode. Then…
See...Xmen 3 just got more credit for being horrible but heres a pitch to Ratner about his plot