sip | bearstronaut

@Dinges: Hmmm, I think Cyber Ascendancy will be the title of my next book.

@Trion: When you own a dog it's easy to tell the difference between his 'oh fuck yea' and 'oh fuck that' barks.

@venc: It looks as though the dog is in a sack, and those are weighted sacks to keep him level.

I'll be down with 3d when the sets don't require glasses.

@FartyMcPooPants: You know that there are emulators for android, right?

This basically means that when someone actually invents a laser sword, Lucasfilms will stop them from producing it.

@Cratilo: They just need to make the airships look like boats.

@Mecharine: I ran around naked all the time when I was a little rug rat. I'm pretty sure that shit is normal, and cannot be stopped.

Floating farms, eh?

@subterfunk: Did you know that magic eye's website is a magic eye?

@dtptampa: Try reading and learning the OSI reference model.

@Loonie: Gain weight like a champion! Move to Papua New Guinea!

So... why wouldn't they just use p2p? Maybe call the file unicorn_hmontana.mkv

Buy artificial gadgets!

@Juaco: pshhh. I'll get these two, they would probably do the same thing for free.

@chocorate: Dude, it's a joke. From the Simpsons... It doesn't have to make sense.

@chocorate: Huh? What in blazes are you talking about?
