siorusbusiness thoughts exactly. AirBNB does not affect my mortgage by even $0.01. Also, that’s the beautiful thing about OWNING property. You can do whatever you damn well please with it.

“AirBnB is a Tax on Renters.”

Thank you. Original Supra wheels are hideous.

Those wheels you photoshopped onto the car are the worst. I hate melty old 90's 5 spoke wheels of beige depression.

Hot take: The original Supra wheels are ugly and cheap looking.

I worked with someone whose rule of thumb was that she didn’t eat anything that had a family. Another co-worker asked her about baby carrots and she pretty much crumpled.

Ya, I wuz just being a prig. Every specialty has its nomenclature. Gun guys know the difference between a Glock 19 and a Glock 20, they know what a K-frame S&W is, etc.

Yeah, I almost used a Range Rover as an example. Similar history! The old ones would be just fine with a manual.

What, you mean you don’t want your S-class to have a short-throw 6 speed? Some enthusiast you are!

Wait till folks start seeing the Model 3 in the flesh. I saw one in white this weekend and it should have stayed in print. I thought they looked pretty good in the pictures in that red color. In person that front end looks really awkward. Maybe it was just that white paint highlights shadows or something.

Pretty sure the value of this car is more than the value of the entire Jalopnik personal fleet.

And while we wish it had three pedals, come on.

The racing series that no one wanted nor asked for. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If this is the future of racing, than put me in the anti-fun bucket.

Quiet electric cars whirring around a track.... Could it get more dull?

All crashes will be blamed on autopilot.

Basically that the vast majority of people who complain about “capitalism” seem to think it’s an actual entity with goals and dark powers rather than simply a society in which you can own things.

To be fair, that raccoon would have probably caused $30k worth of damage to the Ferrari, and would have had an accident on it’s record anyway forever lowering the value. Assuming he’s got insurance, either outcome in this specific scenario would end up almost exactly the same financially for the owner.

New Yorker - Yeah, housing is expensive, transit is garbage, parking sucks, and we all complain about it all the time but that means only the tough can make it.

A. There is nothing in New York that you can’t get in an other city with less hassle, except being groped by a half drunk Elmo at 10 am. B. I thought the mole people trains meant you weren’t supposed to park in the city. C. Fuck that guy from jersey who drives a sorority spec Beamer taking a New York parking space.