
Out of control. I guess we’re all too fucking stupid to make our own choices.

Payload ratings are not based on the calculation: stated payload + 1kg = snapped chassis. They are based on 1) reasonable braking distance with max payload. 2) Anticipated expectations of end user.

I have very little sympathy for a guy that refuses to provide any information on the part he actually needs. And giving him the most common would still have failed with the same end result.

Or, stay with me on this one, the customer could have been up front about the situation and worked with the poor guy trying to make a living and feed himself. How hard would it have been to give a little detail... unless the customer was clueless to what he had. In that case, 1) he should have said that and 2) is the time to hike gas taxes and actually fix our goddamn crumbling roads.

These “inefficient” SUVs, as you call them, get low-to-mid-twenties MPG wise. Just about the same as hot hatches.

Oh bullshit. These studies exist only to justify more regulations. They’re politically motivated from the beginning and the ‘researchers’ set out from day one to generate one conclusion — that everything is bad and more government regulations are necessary.

Social cost, so the law abiding should be punished for crimes they didn’t commit? Never mind the fact that most guns and ammo have a 10-11% Federal tax on them.

I am going to go out on a limb and say it is easier when you have mechanical engineers building a car vs the dropouts from Apple that think every piece of the car should be integrated and not removable except at a Tesla Service center.

Pretty ignorant...Lexus put very aggressive pads on that car, apparently. When you say the other, quieter brakes “stop just as well”, what do you mean? Because I measure brake robustness in “number of full-on hot laps at maximum pace on a road course”. A small difference in pad can double your session lengths. But I

It’s not BS, high performance brake pads are much noisier and generate much more brake dust and you’re right in that the difference in normal driving isn’t astronomical. But there is a difference and if you’re trying to get every last ounce of performance out of your car it’s something you’ll have to put up with. If

you don’t need 10 gears you just need more gear sticks.

Well its the same isch in Denmark but there are so many laws and restrictions we have to live under in general, that Americans just don’t have to deal with. I do not want to pay for other people’s ignorance, that is the gist, and right now I am through the heavy 48% tax I pay.

So? It’s not like premium is that much more expensive. Around here it’s $0.30/gallon more, so on a typical 15gal fill, I’m only paying an extra an extra $4.50 over regular gas.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling that way. But the problem is you and many others also would gladly force others who do not share your sentiment to contribute their income as well.

What’s wrong with pushrods?

“Other people were enriched and I wasn’t” = Whine to Government To Make Enriching Thing Illegal. A liberal tale as old as time.

The commenter shared a valid point of view. Calling those you disagree with stupid is immature.

Excellent counter-point! Your ridiculous take is ridiculous, you’re called out on it, and you immediately go ad hominem. Typical.

People do understand that Tarantino’s work all happens within the same alternate universe / reality that is most definitely NOT reflective of history in any way whatsoever, and that Tarantino has written in cues in his movies to the fact that that is the case?