
I own a C5 Z06 and I still voted crack pipe. You can buy a clean, totally original, completely unmolested car with ~50k miles or less on it for under $20k. This is a hard pass. Mods do not make your car more valuable.

“Higher standard of living” in what metrics, specifically?

BREAKING: AWD+torque converter is a pretty ideal combo for drag racing.

It took until last year, but I finally saw one of these with a “real Americans don’t buy foreign cars” bumper sticker on it. I’m sure the irony was lost on whomever applied the sticker.

More plaid would indeed be nice. I’d settle for more cloth and more flexibility with respect to options and trim levels.

Take your pick:

The question is, though, is it an important safety measure? I mean sure, it intuitively seems like it would be, but intuition and objective reality don’t always line up. There are two basic points being brought up here; the OP’s original point about people driving without headlights on after dark, and the point

There’s nothing in your argument to address; you feel that, based on your experience, your lights make you more visible in all situations. Which is fine. That’s your experience.

The objective data that I’ve seen and cited doesn’t appear to support the conclusion that your experience is typical.

The math that I did regarding costs was, in fact, based on running all lights, not just headlights, during daylight hours. If you’d read the post carefully you’d have understood that. do know that in daylight, including at dawn and dusk, taillights are more visible when the running lighs are off, right?

This is an excellent question. Maybe you can turn up some meaningful statistics on the number of accidents caused by people neglecting to turn on their lights after dark.

Yes, you absolutely can go down that rabbit hole with anything. It’s that kind of analysis that determines whether something is a good idea or not.

Just found out my buddy’s ‘17 GTI does this, too. Not sure how useful it is but it’d certainly keep me entertained.

Sure, that’s pretty common. I’ve got a few cars with automatic lights, too. I was just pointing out the practical consequences of the OP’s “get rid of the headlight switch altogether. Car is on, lights go on” logic. 

Nor do I, honestly. I’d love to find a whitepaper from Sylvania or Philips or something but, well, gfl. 

Also, I was just messing with your numbers, for the hell of it. I may not be math-ing right here, I can only do so much on a Saturday, but, let’s take the lower range of your numbers-1/16gph.

Yeah I think I typo’d somewhere while adding commas for legibility but I double-checked the math just now and it should check out.

Yep, about $4/driver/year in terms of additional fuel costs.

So, three points.