Much like women, art doesn’t exist to please you.
Much like women, art doesn’t exist to please you.
No no you see, the hivebrain is allowed to like only ONE token female comedian at a time, and Amy already had her 15 minutes. Now she is problematic, so nothing she says from now on is funny or cool.
You do realize that a pro-woman discussion of female comics allows Maria Bamford and Amy Schumer to co-exist? Schumer’s success is only a detriment to Bamford if you believe that women inherently must compete with one another and that there’s only room for one of them.
While I like the shift in focus to a woman’s intelligence, this new direction makes me think, wow, now I feel bad for not being thin, fashionable, AND an accomplished robotics scientist. I highly doubt we will see ads featuring good looking men who are also extremely smart and accomplished.
She’s an incredibly accomplished academic and a 45 year old woman starring in a campaign for an industry that rarely puts models over 21 (Who aren’t established celebrities) anywhere near the limelight.
Hmmm... which is more realistic, me as a super model or me as a robotics scientist...
Fashion’s Fall 2016 ad campaigns have begun their long march into our subconsciouses, surely as department stores…
I like her work, but you have a point. That’s a status it takes time to earn. While Rihanna’s gorgeous appearance and often ahead-of-its-time fashion sense are already iconic, her music isn’t, yet.
I know Rihanna is popular but a Legend? No. She has a long way to go before she’s a legend and it’s insulting to those who have worked hard for many years. We’re supposed to ooh and aah every time she leaves the house. She can look good in clothes. Not a legend.
I’m hella here for this new wave of genderfucking young rappers in Nana’s hats and necklaces. 100% HERE FOR IT (this is the approp time to name-drop my best dude Lil B, right?)
Here’s the thing. I am pretty old now, and this is what I’ve learned: EVEN IF THE REAL ADULTS WERE HERE they wouldn’t know how to do anything either. Our world is changing at a terrifying rate, and the right way to do almost anything two or three years ago isn’t the right way now. The right way now is being invented…
There’s no such thing as imposter syndrome because having self doubt isn’t a flaw, it’s why we could evolve as a species. If we felt confident why would we be curious, want to learn, accept being taught? Feeling like an imposter (like others know something we should know too) and wanting to do something about it is a…
He seems remarkably calm for someone with a live ferret in his underwear.
The other thing I notice is that Wolf repeatedly apologizes to the woman and notes how humiliating this must be for her. The judge is not a hero—but this should be obvious to anyone who recognizes that black women possess the same humanity as everyone else.
We really need to overhaul the entire justice system - not just our police forces - all of it. Our training, our hiring practices, psych evaluations, the policing culture, everything from the bottom up.
Agreed. Denying a person their basic dignity (for what??) won't inspire more faith in the system/society. Rather the opposite.
What is the ostensible reason not to allow an inmate to shower? It's amazing to me the depth of torture we allow prison guards to inflict upon inmates for no reason at all.
That’s (kind of) what I came to say as well! Like, yeah, some folks have a life worth writing about by age 30, but not most. Give yourself some time to gain experience, wisdom and hindsight so you don’t have to cringe in 30 years with the realization that all of your 20-something “I’ve figured it out” nonsense is…
Memoirs are actually the one “beach read” I can get behind. I would wayyy rather read about how Kathy Griffin ate a whole cake everyday as a child than read any novel with a cartoon high heel as the cover art. I’m a classics person but I enjoy memoirs.