I wonder when Nintendo is going to take another hack at virtual reality.
I wonder when Nintendo is going to take another hack at virtual reality.
“This katamari seems a bit murdery.”
Is no one going to mention that this company is listed as being in the jurisdiction of the “Seychelles”?
What I’d like to see is a universal avatar system. Most games we play now are through a service platform, Steam, Live, PSN, and most of those have a personal page for community functions. If those allow us to create avatars, a game could pull from that data and use that as the default, instead of either random or…
I am not particularly nuanced on this front: a project that has a “crunch” phase is a failed project. Whether that’s a failure of budgeting, planning, management, or technical expertise, you have failed to run an effective project. Period.
Starwhal (Just the Tip) is the next closest thing, and it is an awesome party game.
C’mon, Zelda Wii-U!
“I felt like I was being herded into a concentration camp or something.”
The employees in question said that they would go on to make their own indie game. With blackjack. And hookers.
“Stay in your lane” is just about the saddest mentality I’ve ever heard of.
That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.