
Would be more fun even if they had some warning and all tried to scatter and hide from the blast. Would still break up deals or meet ups, and could still serve as a way to battle those with extreme power. A little less obnoxious from a player perspective though, at least you’d know it was coming.

Love little facts like this. Just adds to the charm. Necessity being the mother of invention and all...

I find there is a larger gray area than people are willing to admit. It’s not as easy as drawing a line in the sand and deciding what “sexual harassment” is. I’m going to generalize here a bit, but go with me. Women want men to be confident, direct and declarative about what they want. Otherwise they come off as

I get that companies are trying to come up with new phrases for a “dirty word” but i also see this as an expansion on the idea to a broader term. In the past games were looked at as single narrative stories that get sold as is with no updates, similar to books. But now, you could create a base game and slowly add

Looks super awesome. Probably will have a playstyle similar to Symmetra. Will make her fit more into the healer group as well, I think.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

I wonder if anti-cheat mechanisms keep this AI from playing certain games.

There are players who use specific controllers that have a hardware issue so when you dash and return stick to rest it stops your movement back to neutral.

But you can still use glitched (read: easier to wavedash) GameCube controllers? Ummm.... ?

$15 whole dollars?! I think we can see why this went belly up!

Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.

Obviously needs ludicrous-lasers

I find this article quite interesting, not having the opportunity to see this side of gaming culture as a male.

I haven’t seen anything about expanding the story. But you can always fast travel to your base via in game portals at space stations.

So, basically, realistic Pikmin?

I don’t see why the ban can’t include the credit card that made the purchase at the bang.

This is why I’m buying more and more games and such on Amazon.

I’m surprised nobody mentioned this feature in some prominent N64 games (Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, etc)

Any game that includes Mallow, please.