Is the fate of Nintendo at stake? Hahahahahahahahaha no.
Is the fate of Nintendo at stake? Hahahahahahahahaha no.
And a car... Maybe even a top hat.
Anyone remember Sony's patch that removed the otherOS?
3D will not go away. 3D is not a gimmick. Case in point: Oculus Rift. There's something so fascinatingly immersive about faking the user's senses into believing something is real. This can only be done with proper 3D perspective.
Yeah, they had throwing knives in one of the past ones, but the recent one just had a pistol. But I was hoping for something non-lethal, like knockout poison or something would be cool for this weapon. Maybe I'm just stuck in MGS mode, my MK. 2. They need a Big Boss achievement for this game...
I think the blowdarts will make a cool addition to this series. I've often thought they needed to add a throwing knife or some sort of ranged silent killing item. I just hope it doesn't make stealth kills too easy.
Back to the old layout. The constant scroll was great... ugly sidebar is back...
Satanists, or more accurately, Luciferians, are people who believe generally the same things as Christians, except for one main difference. They do not consider Lucifer, also known as "The Light Bringer", who gave us the knowledge in the whole Garden of Eden tale, to be "bad" for doing so. They also generally…
I'm sure none of these words were hand picked. I'd be willing to bet someone just grabbed a file of tons of "bad" words. There may even be certain words that are required to restrict to achieve certain game/tv ratings. Remember this gets played all over the world and on television.
I really liked this episode, and I think this article really detracts from why it was so good. First time I've seen the GMO debate put in the public eye so prevalently by the media. I think this could be a much more interesting article, but instead the focus is on a stupid one line cameo that was LARGELY overhyped. …
Did you just shot web?
Nintendo has been making games since the 1800s... why don't you leave it to the professionals.
You made my day <3
Do people really not see how a porn star could feel empowered by the work she does? She gets paid to have sex with men/women/etc on camera. People watch those videos and pay more money, wishing they'd have the opportunity to sleep with her (generally). The denial of that encounter is where the power comes in. She…
Do people really not see how a porn star could feel empowered by the work she does? She gets paid to have sex with men/women/etc on camera. People watch those videos and pay more money, wishing they'd have the opportunity to sleep with her (generally). The denial of that encounter is where the power comes in. She…