

She could play for MLS.

They made a movie about a Metallica song?

Hey Grammy guys- a word to the wise: Trent is off the smack and on the juice these days. Fuck with his steroid-jacked ass at your own peril.

Probably not. There was even less Batman in that one.

All I could think when I saw that in the theater
1) "run Hines Ward, Run!"
2) R.I.P., Ben Roethlesberger.

The bit about how looking to the divine made the most reprehensible person (or words to that effect) was great.

Shitterbombs, away!

Ugh. All shit characters. The Mojoverse was when I dumped Xmen.

Oh, youtube link? The showgirls comment below made me smile. And get (ironic) wood!

And with that, we move one step closer to The Running Man.

…they're alive? I thought The Lee Harvey Oswalds took care of them at Lollapoolza 2002?

I see what you did there, O'Neal. Well done.

Well, Easy-E sang about a chick swallowing semen on NWA's song, She Swallowed It. And followed it up during his solo career with Nutz on Yo Chin and Lickin', Suckin', Fuckin'

Really? Has Seattle lost its hipster grunge guy mind? Was the coffee replaced with Diet Pepsi(tm) ?

Over dere be da Google Buses
Over dere dey cross da bridge trusses
Google starts with G and ends with L
Google buses dey drives straight to hell

Thank for poseing that query. M kids like these tools, because Thriftshop unedited says fucking or something.

I didn't want to plagiarize.


His sunglasses look to pierce his shell into his soft turtle carcass. Or something.