
He actually pimps vodka and I drank a skull of it once.

Whatever happened to Spike on Happy Days?

Fucking dinner entrees, how do they work?


Did anyone ever finally determine if they were in fact Giants?

I'll see your bad bands, sir, and raise you a Mr. Big. And a Nelson.

Heh, Fiero. That, the toyota Mister2, the Ford Probe, and the Datsun 240z.

I agree. Plus, those power ballads were dangerous. Tesla would break out Signs in concert, lighters would come out, and all the hairsprayed do's would catch on fire.

I understand that they had a side project called Except.

W.A.S.P. and their "Fuck like A Beast" were countered on the airwaves by Christian hairband Stryper and their opus, "To Hell With the Devil."

Wait, what about the Whorebed, or whatever it's called? Did that make the cut????

Noticeably lessened…but not gone.

Fight! Fight!

"Think Love Boat meets Lord of the Flies"

Ugh. Now I have "give me something to believe in" running through my head.

1200? You couldn't even try for one more stinking word? Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Balls to the Walls was Accept. My kids crack up when that comes on Hair Nation (sirus channel). Also, AC/DC'S Big Balls makes them nearly pass out from laughter. Ah, to be a 5th grader again….

Did the AVC interviewer just interview herself? Because Marah seemed to be answering her own questions and formulating his opinions?

Sweet jeebus. I loved The Scorps in high school (80's), but Winds of Change should be in an 80's themed Hatesong feature.

I don't believe you.