a boy beating off his horse
a boy beating off his horse
{Checks surrounds, sees Earth}
…and then Lindelof wiped his ass with a handful of $100 bills and laughed and laughed and laughed…..
Obamacare claims its first victim.
He gives new meaning to the work Francophile.
Ok, so, what's Ronnie Polaneczky like?I find her awfulyl scold-y.
I thought it would be a new thing to do or something.
Molly, I live in Philly (ok, burbs, because close enough) and I read you in the Daily News. I watched this via TiVO just now, and I am sorry, but it left me flat. It seems like the show is floundering and not sure what it wants to be. The cast is so diverse in their personalities and oeuvre s, I'm not sure it works.
Is Tony Danza gonna have to kill a bitch?
Right. That's what the government wants you to think.
Was his name John SomeSortofNumberandTotemAnimal ?
"It's a reminder of how incredibly stupid you people are capable of being."
I thought that it was the dawning of the age of Aquarius?
Which one spends more time on his days as a sniper in the Korean War?
Preach it. Matterhorn > Plinko.
funny. I used to date her. We went to school together. We gave the moniker CODENAME: Irongrip because her handjobs were like putting your cock in a vise that was attached to the motor of a cuisinart. You ejaculate as a matter of survival as opposed to pleasure. Man does she have a powerful grip.
Your ex was a cunt, and you're better off without her.
Who says the economy is in the toilet??? Fuck those people!!
It's 2040 eastern standard. Pulse, ok. BP, Ok. Doors locked. Family in house and prepping bedtime rituals.
I like Jimmy Kimmel more and more. Seems a decent sort, and talk about the best job in the world.