pretty good for a non native speaker, amirite? you don't want to see me try to write hungarian at ALL. All the "too long/too literary/too many words" morons can go read Car Craft in study hall. fuck em.
pretty good for a non native speaker, amirite? you don't want to see me try to write hungarian at ALL. All the "too long/too literary/too many words" morons can go read Car Craft in study hall. fuck em.
To be fair, adrenalized hours awake are different from "ok, crisis solved, can i teleport to my bed now" hours. And i know this from IT, not working on hearts.
True: the Johnson bar is used to control the speed of steam trains by operating its valvegear's cutoff points. Sexxay. []
(no hate, i resemble this cartoon)
i think he was going for an "i can tell it's shopped because of the pixels and having seen a lot of shops in my time" angle.
i'm no expert - one partner only, ever, here - but my wife has always tasted "spicy" (think cayenne, maybe some garlic) and i can fully get behind that. anyone else have a similar experience?
How many drunks have you seen on COPS pulled over for driving slow and hugging the white line? Now how many texters (they're usually going 10 over, crossing the centerline — in my experience, often while i'm in the lane they're moving into.)
as ABSOLUTELY fucking STUPID as this is, i will admit that the BMWs appearing in the mirror 4-wide reminded me of a pack of sharks. still, horribly unacceptable. i guess sharks eat each other during a feeding frenzy, don't they?
oh god DAMN it the "video is unavailable" halfway through my viewing?! damn youuuuu....
wait, there was a day when SCC covered Locorts? Instead of NSXes and Skylines (note: not. compact. at all.)?
mmm postpartum.
This is what almost every article on jalopnik used to be like, before link dumping and LOL drifting sucks!!11! took over. Thanks, Wes.
where is the "hide this user's updates" feature? i never thought i'd wish for facebook on Jalopnik.
do all these "well Marx said" people really agree with Hobbes that early humans cudgelled each other to steal one another's sheep? i give up.
I'd put up with Larry David's commentary to drive a split bug. And once i put the 2387 turbo in it i'm pretty sure i could make even Larry STFU.
There's lane splitting in stopped or crawling traffic that is responsible (slow) and then there's people still going 60 with a death wish. You have no chance of seeing the latter (i know, i almost hit one in my 62 bug and i was looking OVER MY SHOULDER as i crawled from lane to lane... he came out of nowhere given…
i was curious myself.
No Novikov? Bah.
eat a bag of dicks. and like Louis CK suggested, yes, you have to make them all come first.
You are familiar with the carotid artery, yes? Well there you have it...