Kate Borbas

Hannah makes THE. WORST. DECISIONS. It is really starting to get to me.  After all this time did she really think taking that gun, wrapping it in a silk scarf, bringing it to a party in a large hot pink attention-grabbing bag… and trying to bury it without notice as if A isn't this omnipresent being that could call

When someone struggles with the disease of addiction cautionary tales aren't going to be the cure.  It's pretty hard to scare someone enough that it alters their chemical makeup. Yea, these were stupid choices, but the picture is much bigger than you understand.  Many people are born with a predisposition of addictive

I know! Every time I think there is going to a real payoff, it vanishes or is revealed as a fake out.  Maybe I just have to go back and rewatch the last finale, but I remember feeling really unsatisfied by the whole thing… maybe my expectations are way too high now, but it didn't seem to be filled with as much

Thank you SO MUCH for linking me to this!  I had no idea anyone intelligent and funny was covering this show. Yay! And so glad I'm not the only one, especially after the insane season I'm sure we're about to have.

Precisely! I don't know if there has been a single episode that didn't end with me honestly wondering what will happen next week.  I don't even know if this qualifies as "guilty" pleasure for me anymore. It's just good fun.

I love AV Club, AND watch PLL— look at that! I can only hope the reviews won't be condescending, "hate watch" pieces like some of the crap that has been posted this past tv season. I don't know the writers by name, but it would be really cool if the person writing it actually dug the show.  Fingers crossed! I'm sick

When I first saw the commercial for this show I turned to my Mom and said "Are they aware of Anne Heche's post-Ellen alien/Jesus mental breakdown?"

This is a terrible review.  It would be nice to read one from someone who actually gave a damn about this show or could give feedback that wasn't wrapped up in clear personal hang ups.  Another commenter got it right: this guy could use some empathy.  
This finale by no means deserves an A, but on no planet does it it

maybe that wasn't what you were saying, but in reality people who sleep together and date don't always fit into conventionally attractive + conventionally attractive, or supermodel + supermodel, or the like parallels.

seriously? are you just one of those people that only considers attractive to be a size 2 white woman? because most of us don't really live in that world.

Thank you! That is just one of her qualities that makes me so happy a character like this is on television.  We are now, finally seeing different types of ladies on tv, but they are mostly complex parts on dramatic shows.  Great to see it in comedy.  Plus she isn't a freaking size 2, or even 4.  Thank you, Mindy

Plus, I mean… he created a "psychic detective" agency.

I thought the episode was all over the place as well, maybe because it broke their usual structure. It made me a bit dizzy, cutting around like that, but there were a few great laugh out loud moments. I watched before bed and just as I was falling asleep, thinking it was during the final/usual "aw man, you really

Hannah's state of unravelling hit so close to him.  While I could have done without parts of this episode, like Marnie's storyline, I haven't been able to escape Hannah's part all day.

While I see what you mean with Shoshanna's infidelity, I read it more as her feeling insecure with herself at the party, and giving into the attention the doorman was putting out.  With her feeling weakened at that moment, and probably unsatisfied in her relationship with Ray more than we even know - I think any man

He's a main character on Don't Trust the B, I was surprised to see him here.