
It’s definitely noticed by other teachers too. My best friend and my mother are both teachers and they’ve both commented on how teachers seem to be of the same mold: privileged white women from certain specific backgrounds. But according to my friend, being a teacher and a person of color or a man makes the hellish

Just dropping by to mention that minority teachers are important not only because they provide their students with a role model but because they understand the discrimination and racism that their students face and are less likely to dismiss student’s struggles with race issues.

tend to attract white/Anglo, middle class folks who “want to make a difference”, rather than folks who want, and need, to make good money.

Are you saying that without viable role models, minorities tend not to enter certain professions? That systematic racism reproduces itself and leads to disparities like this? I’m SHOCKED.

I don't feel like there get to be gatekeepers for who is allowed to say they feel queer.

My grandmother wore a wedding dress to her own (and only) daughter's wedding. How did that not make the cut?

I was alerted to this at the beginning and sent the link to all my friends. They actually like me now.

If we're ignoring any potential harm in consuming artificial sweeteners, I've never gotten this. If you're going to eat a 1,000 calorie lunch and drink 300 calories of soda, by ordering diet you are not consuming those 300 calories. So it's something. Should you be eating the other crap? Probably not, but to say that

It's amazing the lengths to which some people will go to justify abusive behavior. (It's also terrifying to consider why anyone would feel motivated to do so.)

Part of the abuser's handbook is to simultaneously accuse the partner of cheating while beating their self-esteem down by telling them that no one else will ever want them and that only they will ever find anything to love in them while also cutting them off from their family and friends. Because many victims come to

What does she expect from VS? Damages? Calm the fuck down lady.

"ERMERGERD! Customer learns she is not the first person to try on piece of clothing at major, national, low-quality clothing, retail store!"

They could release the Veronica Mars movie in a sewage treatment plant and I'd still go.

Chip on my shoulder is kind of strongly worded. I don't think it should be outlawed or anything. I said 'above critique' as in we can have discussions about the why and how and even determine that sometimes the kink is a manifestation of any number of mental issues and perhaps not healthy to indulge. A lot of kinky

"I want people to see me as a plastic sex doll and being brainless is a big part of that."

I went to grab some tampons at CVS but Idris was already there getting some for my girlfriend. I lost that battle too.

What do you mean?

It was neither genetics nor your parenting. You just got fucking lucky. Twice.