
Isn’t there a difference between saying “that’s so ghetto” and using the word ghetto in its original noun form? I can’t stand Quentin Tarantino but this is a stretch.

Thanks for what you do.

So many ews in this comment.

This just seems like an example of self-righteously telling people what not to do without really addressing the logistics of what they should do instead.

Mental illness is not a dirty little secret, but it is stigmatized, and it’s pretty unfair to decide for someone how they should deal with that stigma. If you feel comfortable publicizing your own mental illness to an unfiltered audience, awesome, good for you! It’s not okay to make that decision for someone else

I don’t think this is an issue of women never doing anything right in the public eye, although I appreciate your input about why she might have felt it was necessary to disclose that information. Like I said, this is just my personal feeling, and pretty meaningless without having met any of these people, but having

I mean, it says something but it doesn’t necessarily say anything about Rosie O’Donnell. Teenagers go through all kinds of emotional turmoil, even when they’re not mentally ill, that might make them not want to go home without necessarily reflecting on the parent. However, my personal feeling is that it’s

I’m not sure I buy that walking barefoot is equivalent to walking in hard flat shoes. Even walking barefoot on the ground versus on hard pavement is very different, and humans have only been doing one of those for millennia.

This is such a weird thing to get hung up on, I’m really confused by it. I lived with my friend and her 3-4 year old, he’s only 4 and absolutely understands all of the concepts that you’re talking about. He’s a bright kid and asks a lot of questions. He understands that mama doesn’t have a lot of money because she’s

I’m really struggling to find a single thing in this article that’s body shaming versus making fun of a certain style that the author doesn’t like, and I have no opinions about maxi dresses. My sister wore one to a wedding recently because she’s pregnant as shit, that’s about all I know about them. I don’t think maxi

In some school districts, the disparities are striking. In Boston, for example, there is just one Hispanic teacher for every 52 Latino students, and one black teacher for every 22 African-American students. The ratio of white teachers to white students: one to fewer than three.”

This is such a terribly sad story. I can't imagine the amount of bile and lack of compassion it would take to see it any other way.

There's a great Would I Lie to You episode where Isy Suttie asks him if he's her dad and he goes "did you ask me if I was your father?... who's your mother?" It's so good.

Wasn't the joke clearly at the expense of people who wouldn't call it rape? It seemed that way when I read it but I watched the video just to make sure. "Some would call it [rolls eyes] 'rape'" said in a ridiculous voice, the punchline is that the person saying that sounds like an idiot. You could potentially argue

I nannied my friend's little boy for a long time and every once in a while someone would ask me "are you the mommy or nanny?" because I'm in my 20s and have an obviously different complexion from him. I can't remember if I ever asked anyone the same question, but I can imagine I might have for relating purposes. I

I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting there to be distinct breeds of dogs. Mutts are great too, but there's a reason people sometime want to own specific breeds instead of mutts. Different breeds have different temperaments and traits that run along somewhat predictable lines. I'm glad there are good

He does have a weird face, like a weird beautiful alien. But mainly it's the voice. I didn't think he was attractive at all until I saw Sherlock though.

My Russian mother used the same expression in front of me a few years ago. I had a bit of a rage stroke. She hasn't used it since.

Oh yeah? Maybe you should get a divorce then. Christ how depressing.

This is an incredible story and blows mine out of the water. The first time I used a lunette I had to go to my gynecologist after having it in for several days because I had managed to insert it sideways, so it suctioned in my vagina... sideways. I tried digging around in there in every conceivable position. Doctor