
When this story originally broke I was thinking he was probably a smart guy just tempted by money and the wrong people. Now I’m pretty sure he is just

Based on her ignorant tweets, they seem to be making everything nice and rosey. I’d say they are working pretty well.

For everyone flaming you on this comment, don’t forget that the government would like to take their $400k as you’re walking out of the studio...

That is exactly what they have. It is a waste of space on an SUV that weighs over 5000 lbs. and is designed to go offroad.

I can see this being OK on a small mostly city car, but many SUV’s don’t have full size or even any spare. This is a joke. Saving 40lbs on a 5000lb vehicle is not why, it is saving costs. I used to have a VW Touareg. I once got a flat on a Sunday in the middle of Wyoming on a ranch. They had just graded the roads and


“Bollinger - For the Environmentally Conscious Hipster...”

Seriously. And what about those whiny bitches from Everclear? They could even save space on the list for other hacks by just putting ‘Everclear - Entire catalog’ followed by ‘Smashmouth - Entire Catalog’

Having experienced a pregnant wife first hand, I’d say temporary insanity is a perfectly viable defense for running the guy over.

Yeah, I really struggle with Hollywood casting some washed up hack of an actor to play a role that could be filled with someone more diverse and qualified for the part just to get a name on the marque that the general public recognizes.

“When you look at the tenets of religion, of the Bible, of the Qu’ran, of other religions, there is a distinction between homosexuality and just being a human being.”

Seems a little more convincing than this though...

Helmet, I don’t need no stinkin’ helmet...

Thought I would share with you my own nightmare in that exact same lot. About 13 years ago my wife (prior to getting married) and I were on our way back to Denver from visiting her family in Branson, MO. On the way a snowstorm moved through and the highway was closed at Goodland Kansas to the Colorado border. I

Depends on the forest road access. Definitely some sort of mechanical digging but sometimes it is small equipment when you can’t get anything else to the site.

No. I have a boring desk job in a cool industry with even cooler people that get to do this sort of thing and use explosives to set off avalanches, etc. Occasionally I get to join in and watch some of this first hand, but never hands on with the dangerous stuff.

Now playing

We use them to install new chairlift towers. They can carry a big bucket of concrete for the pad to anchor to as well as the towers and the structure at the top of the tower. Very efficient way to get this done in very remote places without roads and at very high altitudes.