
Public financing in Virginia is nearly impossible now. Just go read the Investment of Public Funds Act:

You can make the argument that literally the only good thing to come out of Vince Russo booking WCW was David Arquette donating his payoffs to Louie Spicolli and Brian Pillman’s families.

Just came to say fuck you Albert.

This stuff isn’t a Southern thing. It’s a conservative thing. There’s a helluva lot of non-far-right people in the South. There are a lot of bigoted far-right shitheels in the North and Midwest. Your comment is just illustrating your own prejudices and that’s not something you should broadcast.

And guardianship papers! Please PLEASE PLEASE get something written up so that your US born kids can go to an aunt or uncle or grandma or whoever you wants and NOT into the foster system where some ICE agents have been leaving them.

The hell with Michigan. Washington has everything Michigan has only more and better. Fuck Michigan. What I don’t understand is keeping stinking Virginia. Toss Virginia and keep Washington, drop Michigan and add Minnesota which has the Twin Cities and Lake Superior. Way better.

He has forgotten when Nate Diaz choked him out and he couldn’t deal with it and was gifted a rematch that he narrowly won.

“when I woke up, she was gone” always makes for a good story. Did you get a Greg’s Pizza out of the deal?

Genuinely happy for David West. He took a 90+% paycut for the opportunity to hoop like this. Looks like he's having fun.

There was an absurd possession late in the game against the Clippers, much like this one, where there were over a dozen passes and about a half-dozen open jumpers they passed up and they wound up with an easy layup because they completely discombobulated the D. They put on goddamn offensive clinics these last few

In Mexico we ban pastors from public office. It’s unfair that someone who can threaten your immortal soul can also run for office. That’s how they explained it to me in elementary school civics and I still believe it’s the right thing to do. I guess my rural school in Mexico was part of an evil plot to indoctrinate us

Airing of grievances? Is it Festivus already?

Taking Drew’s point a step further, I would rather listen to Keith Jackson incoherently babble about the weather during a college football game than listen the newer announcers.

Christ, Harvard really is insufferable in every imaginable way.

I know when I’m looking for a “somewhat nuanced and lengthy discussion”, I think Drew Magary and the Deadspin staff.

Andy Dwyer is the world’s number 1 Colts fan and everyone knows that. He also makes the best mac and cheese.

Next question.

Special holiday-shaped Peanut Butter Cups taste so much better than plain-old PBCs.

Or, and this is just a theory, maybe this is a guy who has committed moments and experiences of his life to song, in an effort to work through the raw emotion of these experiences, and not as a guide map for how people should act. Maybe that’s the whole purpose of art, the expression of self, unfiltered by expectation

I’m an older audience member and for me, a lot has changed since the release of the initial release of the 360 that has shifted many of my priorities away from buying a new console. There’s a lot of us in our late 20’s and 30’s who have played games together who don’t see a reason to upgrade yet.