
He’s an idiot with an agenda to try and belittle people who buy expensive cars, saying expecting refinement for their hard earned dollars is a sign of being an egomaniac. LMAO, clearly a idiot. Don’t waste your time.

Lol no we all get that, what you so don’t understand is that parts bin sharing is done to cut costs and you’re arguement is there is nothing wrong with sharing 20K car parts on a 120K car, which I even agree with but to a point. Lets just use the Ram’s engines in the 120K Levante? Why not? Hell its still works, it

It’s actualy pretty simple.

Not exotic. Just ew.

300 mile range? I only want to know how hard this bitch will kit v-tec.

That was a Sonata.

They were driving an old underpowered ugly yellow honda before. That’s why.

There’s obvious angle, and blind spot limitations to having one gun mounted without getting in the way. Best way would be having 4 work in unisome placed at each corner of the vehicle.

I hope the son would have tried to calm his father down, and not let him ruin his life for some scammer punk. Jeez, any lose canon with a gun can kill you at any moment for the stupidest shit. Bc we all need our guns! It’s our rights! Written in the constitution centuries ago...

The truth hurts, the British make shitty cars that don’t last. Hey at least some of them look ok.

I want those doors on the next Mustang, so when I crash it leaving cars and coffee, I can ejecto seato cuz.

Anlaogy fail. Argument fail.

No thanks, who the hell has time to be carefull as all hell, and pay 100% attention to shaving in the morning? Not me.

Here’s the only Rockstar of the automotive world. And he doesn’t build ghastly brushed alluminum interiror cars either, they actually work well and are all engineered in house, that constantly push the barriers of hyper cars. That’s the true Rockstar.