
The internet is a harsh and unforgiving place.


You're just jealous because she can count to potato.

He looks like he is wearing a fur bikini top.

WHELP, I'll save us all some time and summarize the expected comments:

Bane requires internet.

Kyle seems to have forgotten the best one. Here you go.

I can't wait until Google announces the next version of Android so I can pray that my one week old phone will receive the update sometime within the release of the next two versions of the OS! SWEET!!

MMM...Maker's Mark....*drool*

But did he figure out why the Subway Footlong is only 11 inches?

You're an idiot...comparing processors based on Ghz is the silliest thing ever...we are looking more at an 8 fold increase of the cpu power and twice that for the gpu...let the adults handle this