
How many words do I have to intentionally misspell before yew get the joke?

And since the current administration seems to prefer to set end goals without considering wether achieving the goal is even possible

Came for an article on speakers, leaving because of a metric ton of ads for products G/O gets paid to advertise. These bullshit articles are gonna make me stop Gizmodo altogether. There was a long one last week on preworkout supplements. This. Like there’s dozens of amazon links here and every single one you get a

Came for an article on speakers, leaving because of a metric ton of ads for products G/O gets paid to advertise.

Coming here to see racist blacks never gets old.

“G/O Media may get a commission”

“G/O Media may get a commission”

The virus came from China. There’s nothing racist about staying away from people you think are Chinese until the virus is gone. That’s not what racism is. In fact. If you got sick because you saw a Chinese person and thought it would be racist NOT to avoid them, then you just avoided your brain’s defense system.

You seriously had to write a post about how offended you are that someone dared make a lame dad joke? I’m sure you were also part of the 1% terribly offended by Dave Chappelle’s Netflix special and not part of the 99% that found it hysterical. When you insist everything on a conservative website is racist, evil and

Right? If a president were actually being impeached for some real shit; I think everyone would be all over this. But, for the first time in the history of the United States, articles of impeachment, rules of impeachment and impeachment were voted with no bipartisan support. Not even all of the democrats supported.

I think the question that people have always struggled with is ‘where do you draw the line’? Should people be allowed to fuck goats in public?

Pretty sure if you let two kids just play willy-nilly with loaded guns that CPS could take them away, even if no shots were fired.  There’s a lot of neglect in there.

It’s not a ten out of ten, but also not the worst. I’ll give it just a flat six.

It’s shocking in 2020 how many people don’t know what racism or white supremacy are.

How about first and foremost; not celebrating MLK Day unless you believe in his ideals; namely that we shouldn’t judge people by skin color and instead by their character. For instance, where you’re saying black people can be loved by other black people. How about promote a culture of love for and by black people. By

Yeah, let’s ban the confederate flag and everything related to the south in the civil war; but keep everything anti-Trump. Because we can’t decide which history we want to keep for history’s sake and what we want deleted because it hurts our feelings. We’re being totally rational about all of this.

Caring what race someone chooses to date is racist regardless of skin color. But thanks for the commentary and outing yourself.

You are apparently very unaware of what’s happening in Baltimore. Anyone right of the extremely-far-left wants the law enforced on everyone because we believe that’s the only thing that’ll bring the city back from the brink of the edge. Mosby spends 90% of her time talking about being a black woman doing her job while

Agreed. Oust every elected official in Baltimore and start over.

No one is scared. Some people are annoyed that instead of “let me do my job” the discussion is “As women of color, we represent”. You’re there to do a job; not talk non-stop about being a woman ‘of color’. Baltimore is a tinderbox. My wife and I moved out 4 years ago after the riots because we were pregnant with our