
Isn’t. Enough. Anymore.

Oh boy, you’re really gonna piss people off with logic. What we really need is just to have our government take over as many industries as possible. Haven’t you heard? That’s how you destroy capitalism save the planet! :D

Which uncomfortable truths? Is Manhattan under a dozen feet of standing water from sea level rise? Has Miami been wiped out? Are polar bears extinct? Does it still snow in America in the winter? Are natural disasters getting more frequent? Oh.. none of that happened? Because those were all claims from NASA and the

Do we though? (hint: we don’t, because we don’t even have a clue what percentage of the earth’s climate warming (and recent cooling) has been due to human increases in CO2)

The concrete in Canada alone gives off more CO2 than all vehicles in Canada and America combined. I think one of the problems with all of these ideas is that they always seem to want government regulation as if that’s the only way to tackle the problem.

You’re gonna get flack on here for it, but that’s a right take. I think the climate alarmists are more of the “IF the extreme scientists are right about climate change; we only have 12 years left so we have to do something insanely drastic NOW” because they truly believe if we don’t, earth will be incorrectible 12

Ah yes, the tolerant left again showing how tolerant it is to the viewpoints and opinions of others.

Over the weekend, I felt a lump on the back of my....err... male private parts. Freaked me out. Called doc first thing today (Monday morning); had an appointment by noon. Comes to be it’s fine, some tube just got a bit knotted up causing a lump and pain. I could see Trump having some sort of random issue like that and

Oh hey, I think I saw you going to the flat earther convention too, eh? Like, could a tweet contain any more nonsense about dem trigger words? racist! white nationalist! you forgot xenophobe in there. and homophobe. and transphobe. And whatever else you want to call him simply because you don’t like him. Also; you

I love the meltdown on this. Everyone here loved them some Obama while he was in office, but since then they’ve gone all AOC crazy and want the U.S. to look like Cuba so now they just call Obama a Boomer like it’s a joke. Obama wasn’t conservative. Jamming down the ACA with a dem house and senate without bipartisan

Except Hillary wasn’t a centrist... so your response is null and void.

Sorry that you’re triggered. Bringing the swears AND lol’ing. Truly sorry for hurting your feelings so much. Have a great day!

Found the fascist. 

Oh, more swears from the person that doesn’t know what a centrist is. Color me surprised to see that here on the deathbed of Splinter.

Counters the “the American left is actually centrist” falsehood by posting articles describing a wide range of far left policies of the current democratic candidates followed by the definition of centrism. Gets the internet equivalent of “NA NA NA I CANT HEAR YOU!” from leftist commenter.

So you’re not triggered by articles and facts but you admit you’re triggered by the person that introduces you to said facts. Checks out. Have a great day. 

You’re right about one thing. We are indeed at a turning point in history that will not favor morons. Even Obama is calling out the morons.  Outside of that, it’s clear pretty clear from your f-bombs that you’ve been triggered by articles and facts. But that’s your usual around here. 

Lived in Senegal, Africa for two years and will agree with you.