
So I’m clearly talking about how you would pay people an awesome wage. So you’re saying that’s an example in reality? Or was taking a pay cut from $800M to $600M in reality? Sorry. IN REALITY? Your reality is probably in all caps where people run around shouting at each other because they’re so damn angry all the

So it’s not going to be unredacted?

Wow you give me an example and I show you that “it truly doesn’t work that way in reality, here’s an example you might have heard of called Walmart”.  Try again?

I’m saying there’s no winning when you come in with a closed mind. That’s why I then directly said I have an open mind that could be changed. Hellhog and I were having a discussion. You REALLY struggle with reading comprehension. Just picking out the individual pieces that suit you, eh? I’ve seen that before.

Well someone surely doesn’t understand what it means to move the goalposts. “only...I’m correct”. Okay, so I asked “why” it’s immoral and your answer is it’s immoral because.... you’re correct.

Well you very clearly didn’t understand the comments. So it’s hard to argue with someone that doesn’t comprehend basic points.

Did you read the comments or not? OP said if they were a CEO they’d pay everyone a fair wage. That’s where the whole topic came from. You’ve got a lot of idiot going on over there. Either you can’t read or you just didn’t. Or (pretty sure) you did and you understood none of it. Well done.

Someone sure is angry. So since I’d rather have my money go to the causes I think need it most instead of the ones that the government want to give it to, that’s immoral?

You forgot the word “unredacted”.  He’s going to release the full and unredacted transcript.  I think we all should be cheering that decision.

Wow, so the CEO of Walmart donates ALL of his salary. And everyone of his workers gets an extra $200/year. Wow. That helped a lot. “Amazing” wages. Sure.

That’s fine if you want to give your money to help other people. My wife and I pick two charities every year around Christmas time for our yearly donations. It’s actually fun. My problem is with an annual fine on people because they simply “have too much stuff”. Because, as the author says, having too much stuff is

But the predictions don’t work at all. More often than not they predict the opposite of what happens. I’m on my phone and not able to just pull up a dozen articles for you but it’s not hard to look yourself. The problem is assuming it’s settled science. This ‘well 97% of of a groomed group of scientists claim that

You’re refusing to say whether it’s moral or immoral for wealth inequality to exist (which the author claims in the first sentence). You are very pro additional taxes on the wealthy which the author says should happen because it’s immoral. You then said you also didn’t say it’s not immoral, you’re making no claim on

If there’s no inherent reason why we SHOULD tax mega millionaires, is there any inherent reason why we SHOULDNT tax megamillionaires?

I mean, you’re making my point for me I never said climate science is wrong I’ve continually argued we should be allowed to question it. It’s science. We’re supposed to question it.

Someone doesn’t know what a strawman is.

That’s literally the very first sentence of this article. Maybe you should be commenting on a different article. Obviously these questions are so hard for you that instead of thinking of a reply, your reply is “talk to someone else”. That’s what we call ‘game. Set. Match’

Okay. So is there anything that could ever change your mind about climate change or are you convinced that humans have caused irreversible climate change and we’re all hosed?

Oh cmon that can’t be true. If that were true you’d have people in congress who are in favor of socialism. 

And here’s the Canadian government saying polar bear numbers are growing and they’re so numerous they’re a health risk to people living in Canada.