
Yeah, as a potential customer I really need to know if I’ll be directly giving Rowling cash. Cause (assuming it’s good) that’ll be the difference between me buying a new or used copy.

Gonna be some CHEAP PS4s hitting Facebook Market this holiday season.

Ya know, I can really relate to Mariner. I’m talented at a lot of things, and in my work I love keeping shit running. But I simply don’t want the extra responsibilities and delegation that comes with leadership.

I had that 1L manual Feista, and it was a gem of a fuel-sipping economy car.

Horay, the site is usable again!

Fuck, not you too.

Guessing comics. That’s pretty common these days.

Now playing

I mean, if we’re going to keep the the theme and style, may I submit to the council...

I have no idea who is in the right, but it always seems to come down to one thing; money.

A tenth of a second in either direction and Rossi would’ve gotten T-boned. Holy shit that was close.

Well damn, TIL. All I know about Kzinti is from loving those drone-happy furballs in Federation Commander [Star Fleet Battles Lite].

T’Ana is Caitian? For some reason I thought she was Kzinti :D
-EDIT- still getting all their names wrong...

BOY! Take me to Little Qo’nos! I want some Gagh!”

The front page redesign was the end for me. It’s a cluttered mess. Anytime I wind up on one of the redesigned sits, I just shut the damn tab in disgust.

Gold Wings are huuuge. Most of them have a literal trunk and integrated saddlebags, on top of a low-slung 6 cylinder boxer engine.

Can confirm. The number of bikes one should own is N+1, where N = however many bikes you currently own.

RIP James Horner...

Just throwing it out there, but if the whole cast is too expensive, I’d happily watch a Captain Sulu movie with John Cho.

You know what saves on production costs? Not having a small action sequence every 13 minutes.

Just hire James Mcavoy as a freshly minted Captain of the Stargazer.