
Also Gigguk

Now this is the kind of attention to detail that I like to see. Bought it last night and enjoying it so far, another win for WayForward

So does that mean we’ll be hearing Mark Evan Jackson more often?  Cause this is already a great Thrilling Adventure Hour Reunion show.

Just goes to show, piracy and fan projects like this are what happens when consumer demand isn’t met by legitimate means.

And thus keeping the queues longer for players that want to play...

Nooooo! Not the double decker!

It’s like the Pokémon Company is just the cheapest bastards.

I’d suggest the same if they hadn’t killed off its nice software. Loved my ZuneHD back in the day.

I’d suggest the same if they hadn’t killed off its nice software. Loved my ZuneHD back in the day.

When I worked at Best buy a decade ago, the Sansa models, especially the clip, we’re my go-to recommendations for anyone who didn’t want Apple or Apple-prices. They were inexpensive, simple and they just worked.

When I worked at Best buy a decade ago, the Sansa models, especially the clip, we’re my go-to recommendations for

Doubt it could power the whole AC system, but certainly the fans to keep air flowing into the car.

I thought it was the BMW Supra?

I’ve also heard it’s part of their economy when it comes to service-based low-skilled labor. Not an expert, but from what I’ve read employees for small shops are expensive and it’s cultural to automate everything they can.

I just can’t bring myself to care anymore about SwSh after all their missteps.

Still enjoying Dragon Quest Builders 2. Definitely got my money’s worth, as my Switch says I’ve already sunk 40 hours into it.  Getting close to the end of the 3rd Island, I believe.  Looking forward to having everything available and decking out my hub island.

Mmmmm, digital Warhammer Tabletop... they could charge by the squad and I’d probably still get in on it.

Hey now, I dream of a modern digital adaptation of Star Fleet Battles.  Could play a nice big match in literally 1/10 the time.

I’m still holding out hope for an eventual adaptation of Twilight Imperium.  Couple it with Discord and automate all the bookkeeping, and it could be amazing and cut the playtime in half.

I remember when they were releasing each season for $80 each.  Crazy.

I remember when they were releasing each season for $80 each.  Crazy.

I also read Reddit.

Now playing

I absolutely love that they used the moon theme in the new DuckTales series. As both an adventurous theme, and as a goddamn lulluby.