
I have a USB 3 ethernet adapter I bought years ago for $12 or so on Amazon and it works perfectly. I suspect (but can’t confirm) that most USB LAN adapters will work, so don’t pay extra for Nintendo’s overpriced piece.

I bet he was using a Blue “Nuh uh” deck. If so, he had it coming.

Just as a reminder, Best Buys Gamers Club Unlocked subscription gets you 20% off all new games at any time, even during sales. And it even covers Amiibo and a few other things, too.

Just as a reminder, Best Buys Gamers Club Unlocked subscription gets you 20% off all new games at any time, even

Yeah, I’ll just stick with using the Discord phone app with my friends. Seems both easier and better.

Honestly, it still blows my mind that people enjoyed Blitzball in FFX. Maybe this time around I’ll find it fun?

Maybe someday they’ll get around to releasing a better transfer of the first series. My DVDs look terrible.

Maybe someday they’ll get around to releasing a better transfer of the first series. My DVDs look terrible.

Best Buy’s Gamers Club Unlocked gets you 20% off *all* new games. And Amiibo, for some reason. ($30 for 2 years)

Best Buy’s Gamers Club Unlocked gets you 20% off *all* new games. And Amiibo, for some reason. ($30 for 2 years)

Now playing

I love watching some of Gyle’s casts of SupCom: Forged Alliance matches. Nothing beats it for scale. Giant armies, flanks going all over the map, super weapons coming out to pick off huge chunks of production, all-or-nothing commander teleport attacks. So much fun to watch.

About the only thing I’d want a browser for is getting past the captive portal in hotels or other public hotspots. While I haven’t tried with my PS4, Vita or 3DS, the Xbox One doesn’t do that, which is so freaking annoying.

For a moment there I thought I was reading a Jesus Diaz Apple rant.

It’s a given fact that iOS users spend more money than Android users, both overall and on a per-user basis. A lot of people don’t like that, but it’s THE reason so many games and apps tend to be iOS exclusive first before a company develops Android ports.

Unfortunately, the hat options in the first shop were limited to trilbys, at least for my male character.

I have a feeling we’re still somehow surprised by the amount of traffic they were getting. Ingress has a pretty rabid, but relatively small following. I imagine Pokemon Go likely already has around 100x the registered users, no hyperbole.

FYI, there’s already an indie game out there that’s been doing the multiplayer bridge command thing for several years, though not in VR or with a Trek license: Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator