
Absolutely. I'm so looking forward to some Human Torch powers. Bring on the collisions!

"Last week, we learned that an ozone hole had formed above the North Pole for the first time ever."

Agreed. I'd prefer to keep my 8 and 6 year old on the proverbial internet cul-de-sac until they have the maturity level to deal with sexuality. Rather than having them stumble on it by a mistaken Google search. Granted, safesearch is turned on, but I really do need to reenable OpenDNS.

Agreed. The lightsaber duel is about the only part of TPM that I can watch without throwing up in my mouth.

And he yells, "Yippee". No. Not in a million years.

Isn't there a fan edit like that floating out there somewhere? Not sure exactly what they did, but I think they edited out much of the "real world" plot to keep the action more where it the matrix.

Could not agree with you more. That's always been my argument. He had cowriters on the first films. Ideas get massaged and changed...often for the better. Take for instance any of the original ideas for Star Wars and it's hard to see how the movie would have been liked half as much as what we eventually saw on

I don't really get why a processing grid is any better than a power supply.

I dunno...I thought Emily Deschanel rocked the Wonder Woman outfit pretty hard in "Bones".

If you like Jae Lee's style, you might pick up some Namor back issues. Very pretty stuff.

So I guess you didn't have a point? that guy. We so need men like him today.

Perfect, thanks!

So, is a bazooka a type of RPG or no?


Bang on. Heart click.

A Circuit City employee asked to take a listen to one of these systems and said it was "amazing". I listened. It wasn't. Could barely discern any "surround" sound at all. Don't know if it might work better in an enclosed room than an open air retail space. But I won't be trading in my budget 5.1 system (with

He just said it was guarded by people who know what they're doing. Not guarded by the egotistical moneygrubbing douchebag who created the thing in the first place. Those two are not to be confused.

Right. Give it to those dirty cops. Nevermind all the above-the-board cops who do their jobs, give it their best effort and go home at night. It's worth it all for the dirty cops.

Yep. This is the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title. Glad I'm not the only one! :)