
That's the same situation as the first one though, clearly they had a lot of fun on set improvising and whatnot but the film just turned out to be three guys talking over each other incessantly without saying anything particularly funny, and the last third completely fell apart. The first one was crap and so is this

How the hell does a city that's been established to only have around 500k people have 86k people called Paco?

I'm really surprised by where Valerie is at the beginning of this, her sitcom and reality show were both cancelled in their first seasons, I didn't expect that given the end of season one. I was actually pretty disappointed.

I don't understand people's problem with Laurel though?

It's hard to decide which is more distracting, Sara's pouty lips or Laurel's (newly) elongated face.

IGN comment sections generally have a fairly varied cross section of commenters, I like it for that.

It can get annoying though

love the pun, Roy shooting "heroine".

I agree, what was the reviewer thinking?

Laurel is looking pretty built and mostly human again after whatever the hell it was happened in season 2. Still can't really forgive her for whatever it is she did to change her face though

Katie Cassidy can actually act though

Has anyone noticed how fat Felicity's legs are?

I don't really feel like EBR is a particularly good actress…

Nah the episode was very poor except the end.

I need to start watching this I guess?

I really enjoyed the episode but I also agree with all the criticisms in the review. Still I enjoy episodes like this that give us a change of scenery at least

So I kind of loved that episode. It kept me on the edge of the seat the whole time because I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know what was going to happen.
Also the actress who played Beth must have had a good few acting lessons over the break because her performance was pretty damned good especially

Why do you only single out Egypt and then try to compare that figure to the entire world population of Muslims to try and prove your "tiny minority" point?
There are pretty high figures for those Muslims that condone the death penalty for apostasy in quite a lot of other countries and not insignificant numbers in

Bill Maher acted like a tool in that interview but nothing Sam Harris was saying (and Maher voraciously agreeing with) was "ignorant".
In fact why do you keep using the word ignorant? Will you automatically brand anyone critical of Islam as "ignorant"?
Because if you do then you're in a very large group of truly

Islamophobe? People still try and use that phrase with a straight face?
Got it..