
But anyone with half a brain would be able to figure out he's only trying to push her away!
Very different show but I remember a similar situation in Arrow this year where Roy was trying to push Thea away to protect her and eventually cheated on her by kissing some skanky barmaid to get the message across, Thea knew he

How is Tyrion a "cold-blooded" murderer? Wouldn't you say the murder of both Shae and Tywin was fairly hot blooded?

Also Kit Harrington's Rolling Stone cover is the squintiest photo of anyone I've seen ever.

I know it sounds sick but I've watched that scene with the man bringing his daughter to Danerys about 3 times, its just so affecting, that actor was excellent in his short role.

I was spoiled, I'm getting spoiled on a lot of things, its devestating. Might as well just read the bloody books.

Ok so Shae completely failed as a character then, nothing about her made any sense from any angle I can look at it from.

The Chocolate Timberflake, it's got 20 fillings and 13 flavors of ice cream and just tries WAY TOO HARD to be liked.

They really fucked up on the 30 Rock flavor, lemon flavoured Greek yoghurt? What the fuck?

Oh that squeaky shoes scene, just perfect.


1. This show was/is simply amazingly good.
2. Kellan Lutz is a crap actor but boy is he good looking.

I wasn't implying State vs Queen was bad, I was just saying that the episode was only 3/4 season ago but felt like seasons plural ago.

This show is going to flop quite badly

The author knows Paula Abdul reads this site and wouldn't dream of putting that in at the risk of upsetting her.
True story.

I never watched it consistently but every time I turned Desperate Housewives on and watched a bit it never failed to interest and amuse me, it really was a very good show.


He ended up a pawn in another Lannister game and died for it, even if it was by his own choice that's gonna rile them up big time.

Um what?

Not Veep ppl, Veeple*

I feel like the death of Oberyn will only intensify the hate the Martells have for the Lannisters which will have some impact in the future maybe as possible allies for Danerys? Just spitballing here but everything that happens has a knock on effect in this world.