I think Community is a show that benefits from longer seasons actually, with a season that's only 13 episodes long the disappointment of any episode that doesn't hit it out of the park stings twice as much.
I think Community is a show that benefits from longer seasons actually, with a season that's only 13 episodes long the disappointment of any episode that doesn't hit it out of the park stings twice as much.
This is definitely the greatest animation I've seen since the first 3 seasons of Family Guy first ran on the air.
Becca James is so cute
God I hate when people say "carmel".
When I look over the season I wouldn't really say it was "boring" at all, it still produced a good amount of very funny episodes and the Eagleton and recall storylines definitely had their moments. I do agree though that the premise is fairly exhausted.
Characters did get less annoying in later seasons (less Kim, Neelix and Chakotay helped that), production values were consistently high and I would say even improved starting from season 4 and as for the writing, well I don't agree that I only rate later episodes higher because Seven appeared (who admittedly I thought…
Well I was referring to crazy high concept fun sci-fi stories, something VOY tended to provide moreof while Enterprise generally kept things simpler.
Why was it so important that the show tell stories that related to TOS? Just because it was a prequel? When I watch season 3 I actually don't think about it in relation to DS9 but rather Voyager, it was giving us exactly what Voyager should have given us but didn't - a ship alone and a crew genuinely pushed to the…
Archer was an absolutely awful character who turned a corner in season 3 quite dramatically, Reed and Mayweather were underutilised which is good in the case of Mayweather since the actor wasn't much cop. T'Pol and Tucker were fairly poorly written characters for the first two seasons but like Archer it all turned a…
I disagree that Voyager was consistently bad. Season 2 and 3 were its low points before it recovered for a 3 season streak where it quite consistently offered episodes up to the quality of anything TNG season 5 or 6 had to offer and now and then really pulled it out of the bag to give us episodes that quite easily…
How can you even group the first "few" seasons of Enterprise together? Season 3 is absolutely worlds apart from the first two and explored a lot of powerful themes.
Ugh I really hate when people say those shows can be disregarded. Were they as good as DS9? No but a burger from Carls Junior isn't as good as a filet mignon but doesn't mean it can't provide a lot of pleasure.
Extreme measures is a funny little episode that kind of takes a breather before the big final stretch, I'm not a fan but I wouldn't kick it out of bed.
Cassidy is 10 times the actress Lotz is
Felicity is pretty awful, so is Sara actually. I'd have happily watched Slade killed Sara and then Felicity fall down a ravine on the way home to her death.
Stephen is not a "truly great actor" by any stretch of the imagination.
Susanna and Willa were the only actors who put in decent performances last night, the rest of them were pretty awful.
I need to watch that show.
The first 35 minutes of this episode was pretty bad, some of the worst dialogue in the entire show, Roy's boring rampage through town and Sarah's surprise departure because "I'm a killer so I can't be with you laterz!" (what!?). But when they woke up after being hit in the limo, it was some seriously affecting…
Black Box got a B+ on the TV review section.