Chaos was a regular story with some of the best comedy writing and timing ever seen in television.
Exactly where is the bar being set for your expectations?
The first GI Joe movie is an underrated popcorn germ, dat Stephen Somers direction yo.
I'm really saddened and frustrated by the endless negativity surrounding Community these days, seems there's always tons of people out in force each week finding some problem with an episode they probably would have raved about back in season 2 or telling everyone they "didn't laugh once" (seriously, if you can't even…
This was great
This show is just so damned good, I almost got whiplash from the breakneck pace of that episode and next week's looks like a doozy.
I agree, it's really stupid.
It's a nice touch but kind of ridiculous to think somebody would tell him to catch up with any of those things.
The pure turdness of Iron Man 3 and the mind numbing boringness and nonsense of Thor 2 made them much bigger disappointments.
What? Edit - oh heart or face.
Well good for you, personally it felt very Avengers lite to me.
I couldn't really care less if someone can do their own stunts, only if they can act.
The ageing special effects they did on Agent Carter was absolutely atrocious. To think a master make up artist was done out of a good job by a computer and programmers that can absolutely not render wrinkles naturally is sickening to me. It was incredibly distracting and took away from the emotion of the scene. If…
Captain America is a practically flawless movie, nothing really stands out as bad or a poor decision but that isn't really enough to make it a *great* movie.
It's very much a B+ movie, good but doesn't really get your heart racing or face smiling enough to make it an A.
I thought this was a terrible episode, the writing was very poor, the "romantic speech" sketch was simply abysmal.
Yes, if not better.
Lame, Royals is a great song and the idea that the message isn't relevant just because some of those stars who rap about opulence came from rough backgrounds is bullshit
I don't really agree, Fuller did write some pretty great episodes on Voyager "Barge of the Dead, "One Small Step", "Mortal Coil", "Living Witness", "Drone", "Course: Oblivion". Although he also wrote or helped write some absurdly bad stinkers too like "Fury" and "Spirit Folk".
I'm not bashing anyone.
Pity about the perma-pout