
My favorite Christmas song ever.

Except for Cartman.

Couldn't Bat Boy co-star as "The Little Friend"?

something something orange juice something…

Was that when he used to be a melonfarmer?


Say hello to my little hen!

Tom Cruise to replace Mickey Rooney as Fallout Boy.

Xenu, are you responsible for the Xune?

Ikiru was great.

Dang, but the Pkunk were annoying.

What am I, from Minsky-Pinsk?

Thank you so bloody much, Cyndi Lauper.

They're not more metal than Jethro Tull!

Did you know there's 107 "na's" total?

Ridin' The Storm Out, Keep Pushin', Golden Country, these were all fine tunes.

Are they anything like Kathleen Turner Overdrive?