me: get him and take his keys!
me: get him and take his keys!
“adults mostly showing off their memorabilia and cars” what part of that is good?
it combines MTV Cribs that i never watched with video game streaming i also never watch. People lament getting older and getting left behind by the culture but i’m celebrating this estrangement
but the masks don’t stop stink tho. you can smell thru the mask? this just seems like a prank
i notice neither duct tape nor yelling were offered as solutions
wow they did like... zero work
can’t wait to1) get stuck behind it doing 65% of the speed limit on the rural roads around my home town and then 2) have the listen to tiny dicked dipshits stomp accelerating these past my house at all hours
pretty disappointed by the lack of b-wing, but hopefully it’ll be a DLC chapter. same with the literal billion iterations of the TIE, since i have no idea what that transport/support thing is supposed to be
like... ugh, but at the same time it’s a better mea culpa than Lady Antebellum’s “hey call us Lady A now and don’t worry about why we didn’t worry about being called Lady Slave Times for a decade and a half, we just didn’t <shrug> <banjo>”
you have an unrealistic faith in freezer bags
weird how many pixels my brain added in memory
your linguist should have just said that all sound-meaning relations are completely arbitrary and mediated by social agreement, and in english specifically, letter-sound relations are completely incoherent, so X AE A-12 could be pronounced “Greg” if we all just decided that it was pronounced “Greg”
i bet the lady who defended ghomeshi until it affected ticket sales will act with integrity in this sitch
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger
Duo couldn’t be simpler. Works on everything with everyone.
is doomguy samus aran’s dad? armor looks like a familial relation. would that make commander keen her CO or her grandad
Uh the north american fear of foreigners with diseases dates back not to the 19th century but to colonization when it was used as a weapon to wipe out noram first nations. And then as is typical with my fellow whites, once we’ve done something bad to someone else we assume everyone is trying to do it to us.
number 4 bugs me, because it’s not like restos show much loyalty to their staff if there’s a reason to cut costs, or if some chef if a fucking asshole/sex pest to work with but hey he cooks good and he bought in so you’re never gonna get rid of him.
this is the thing with women who bang a lot of dudes. it’s not bad because it makes you a slut, it’s bad because exposure to dick makes you dumber.
just look at all your dude friends, they’re all idiots. #science