
Really nice article. Well done.

US only launches = Pissed off UK users. +1 to Pulse. Forget Flipboard.

Ooo nice one on the swipe left. I still wish you could clear individual notifications rather than per app.

Web: Simplenote, Lastpass, imdb, Google Reader (as an aggregator)

Agreed. This is a real oversight from Apple in a long line of oversights. Why can't we delete or clear notifications for each individual notification too??? Come on Apple! CATCH UP!! (Goes away looking at more new Mango handsets)

I wish Mint would journey across the pond. We have no service anywhere near as good.

Urrrrrrgh!! NO. (Walks away red faced)

This breaks Installous. I'm waiting for untethered JB, shouldn't be long.

I just moved from iFooty to ScoreCenter and although not easy to setup my football notifications initially, I'm really pleased with the notifications that I am getting now. I still like Livescore for pure simplicity, just a shame it doesn't have notifications.

Are their any iOs apps which have bluetooth tethering between iPhone and Wifi iPad that aren't obvious to provider like MyWi?

Livescore & iFooty+ are good for Premier League. Going to try ScoreMobile.

Agreed. Lockinfo is far superior to notification center. Disappointed with the design and lack of customization options.

VOTE: Livescore

Can someone please clarify where these shortcuts will actually work? For example working for me in mail app but not in facebook. This seams kind of useless without spaces anyway, maybe they're saving that feature for iOS 6?

Or with the open two holes facing up.. DAMN, just saw @Junkan beat me to it.

I would have voted for Pulse if they had a web version.

The title image is misleading as it has XBOX360 and PS3. Come on Lifehacker.

VOTE: Simplenote

Forget Chrome looks. Foxdie is the Theme that should be standard. []

I have been using LogMEin Ignition for quite some time and can thoroughly recommend it. I would say it is a bit expensive at full price, but this is spot on.