
Are we sure these are all real people? Or is someone paying a troll farm in Bangladesh to pump out pro-Tesla propaganda?

Yes, we had the internet decades ago but we didn’t have algorithms that only feed users content they want to see.    

We did, but it wasn’t everywhere until it was in our pockets. That’s just after social media was a thing. Prior to that, and I was there from the beginning, it was hard to access, communities were small, etc. I think it was when it became possible to broadcast to anyone on the same platform, and those platforms were

I hate the obnoxious way Tesla owners are always trying to get you to use their referral links.

Elon’s Musk. Not even once.

Welcome to the new Internet: just like the old Internet, but faster and with more dishonest opinions.

Are people intentionally ramming these things in China?

Maybe they assume whoever’s driving it has a low Social Score?

I get the usefulness of 1-3, but it’s kind of sad that #4 was deemed necessary. Are people intentionally ramming these things in China?

I missed that he said ‘another’... thinking that he wasn’t aware of the first video.

You linking the exact Jalopnik video he wants to replicate with the new one, but also randomly from a 3rd party site is the height of bizarre. 

Ask them to send you a press vehicle for a review. The cost to ship it back would end up costing too much and they'll just give it to you. For $3k you can't buy a better influencer than Torch.

Heads up, none of what you posted here is funny.

Rich people still doing great, everyone.

Lmao. Is that you, or your mom?

Duh! Just pop the door open, hop out, and rotate the spare tire cover!

My old soccer coach drove a CJ5. He’s in the federal pen for being a kiddie toucher. Coincidence?
