jason brown

I remember calling a buddy during the final fight to figure out the timing to beat that flying thing. I also remember Hitler’s reanimated corpse blowing up in glorious 8-bit carnage. It’s a good game.

Now playing

if you wanna give your personal motion sickness tolerance a serious trial by fire, play this on a VR headset:

You grappled with the controls?

Reading this made me want to replay Metroid Prime 3.

The 2008 BC re-do was awesome and not spoken about neough

I loved Bionic Commando back then, I bought the AAA treatment for Xbox 360, I have Bionic Commando Rearmed, which is a modern release in the retro style, and BC Rearmed II.

I loved the grappling hook in Wind Waker, even if it couldn’t be used particularly fluidly. It just felt right; if I’m going to swashbuckle on the high seas, I’m going to need to swing on ropes.

Now playing

i LOOOOVED the 2009 Bionic Commando but my favorite grappling hook ever might be in 007: Agent Under Fire. in single player you could only grapple certain designated grapple points but in multiplayer you could shoot it at literally any surface, to fling yourself across the room, get to a higher platform, just pull

Speaking of grappling hooks, y’all should give A Story About My Uncle a shot. It’s basically Grappling Hook: The Game. A first-person parkour experience with grappling can be a little disorienting, but it’s thrilling to fling yourself through the air, and because it’s in first person, you feel a little flutter in your


wtf is starz lol

Life, uh… finds a way.

What's with all these people having babies?

Who let a7x fans reproduce?!

I bought the new CD and an extra for my daughter and then had to apologize to my daughter for the crap she was about to hear.

You could've gone for an easier target. Justin Bieber just had a new album.

The Coldplay article is thataway <============== mister.

Why the fuck would anyone pay money for an intentionally bad album?