
You’re clearly delusional and have never driven any Corvettes. I’m 25 and have driven many different Corvettes of almost every generation. They are my favorite car and in my opinion offer things that no other car can. They are very well built cars. A common misconception is that the C7 is the only one worth having.

Good luck man, don’t let it scare you too much. ;)

But there was never a Z06 convertible until 2015....

I’ve owned 2 Corvettes and daily drive them both, my friend from high school has a C5 Z06 and it’s his only car. There are people on both sides of the spectrum. Some people just cherish them too much, even though they likely won’t jump in value. And there are those that have many Corvettes and buy a new one just to

Yeah, you’re right, in a way. But the BIG DEAL here is that this is a CAMARO. You know what all those cars you listed have in common? They are the pinnacle of performance cars for their respective brands. The top dogs, the best on offer. This is a Camaro that costs $70k beating up on some seriously fast, seriously

Bravo good sir... you are a gentleman and a scholar.

The upcoming Corvette ZR1> Everything

Wait until the ZR1. ACR is going down son!

C6 Z06 out handles some touring cars, IMO it’s about as close as it gets. Much more suited for the track over the C7 due to natural aspiration and it’s able to be thrashed all day long.

C6 Z06 was more suited for the track.

Until the ZR1 comes out in a few months.

No, on the account it’s an automatic. Manual and I’d be game because they’re easy and cheap to fix nomatter what goes wrong.

Maybe if you knew more about the LT and LS series engines you would know they weigh much less than most engines with their displacement. I don’t know the LT4 specs, but I know an LS7 weighs only incrementally more than a Honda 2.4 4 cylinder. So many stereotypes about these “heavy V8 engines” when in fact they aren’t