
Wait, nobody screamed “Put it in H!” at you? I’m disapointed in humanity.

What, Torch’s money is as green as anybodies...

The other 32.7% probability is that it’s David Tracy, driving something he found by sorting Craigslist by Rusty-high. 

Meh. Ugly car gets a little uglier.

That’s “Count” Truckula to you.

I think the black box “pings” for up to 30 days after a crash, but the actual recorder can survive for longer. In the case of AF 447, they didn’t find the wreckage for 2 years, but were still able to retrieve the black box and the flight recording. 

If you want people to notice turn signals, they’ll need to be at least this big, and you will need a long arm that stretches back, opens up the door of the car behind you and smacks the phone out of their hand.

I’m guessing you’re somewhere out west, in an urban area? I’m in Alabama, and the state is not too keen on changing the status quo on most things, EVs included. I have seen only two charging stations in this state and they were in a parking garage at the University of Alabama.

In the terms and conditions you agreed to, didnt you agree to wear a helmet?

This article is incomplete until it contains a description of a lap of the Mobiliring on that Pogo rideshare scheme...

Step 1: Replace top with screen door mesh

Are they trying to signal the aliens from Close Encounters?

Please say yes... Please say yes... Please say yes...

Imagine if he had the “Celsius” model. 

Even if it was a non-factory color, this is America, you can do whatever you want with your own stuff. Its like people that get upset about other people covering their cars in stickers.

I feel like there will be a battery reconditioning/rebuild industry that forms. They would either sell direct to manufacturers or to repair shops.