I wish you hadn’t posted that Phaeton. Its only 15 minutes from me. Its too cheap to pass up. I think I might email the owner later. The only things I have a problem with are the front damage and the console controller.
I wish you hadn’t posted that Phaeton. Its only 15 minutes from me. Its too cheap to pass up. I think I might email the owner later. The only things I have a problem with are the front damage and the console controller.
To Live and Die with $3K in LA
“Just get a better job and move to a state that doesn’t have front plates that’s what I did because I’m better than you and of course since it worked for me you should have no problem doing it and if you don’t you’re just a lazy democrat complaining about stuff on the internet don’t blame the government for making you…
LOL, it’s like $200 here in California,though it’s rarely enforced here in the OC. At least during the day, I wouldn’t want to try it leaving the club at 2 AM.
I don’t really get your beef with others driving under the speed limit or slowing a little earlier to conserve momentum. It is not like getting stuck behind a tractor on a two-lane road. What is being stuck behind this guy gonna cost you, 30 seconds of driving time? A minute? I drive the speed limit on the freeway…
This vehicle owner is probably more scientific taking a dump than you’ve ever been in your whole life.
Brakes won’t let the person in front of you know the light turned green ten seconds ago. ;)
There is a hole in your theory.
I love how everything gets completely destroyed but the Beetle just kind of scoots over.
Antioch Tennessee, you say?
I feel like I’d want to buy an armored truck so if I ever get caught behind something like this and I’m in the front row, I’d just drive through them and crash their party.
If only that guy had gotten a ticket from being caught in the shoulder, that would have made it all the worthwhile.
Your stance is based on the assumption that intentionally pissing off reckless drivers teaches them a lesson and prevents them from ever driving recklessly again.
It doesn’t and it won’t. If he’s enough of a reckless dick to last second-merge while “screaming” past normal traffic in a two ton steel missile, he’s not…
This is great. I do something similar - I drive around a neighborhood and honk and wave at people, then drive away leaving them thinking who the eff is that?
“Lose” is the verb you’re looking for.
Could have been better, if he add his hairy ass to the rear.