what? cleverusername, maybe, but not so clever comment...
Some people don’t know when they’re supposed to be adulting.
Maybe I’m just cheap, but I don’t consider that amount of money, or any amount really, to be trivial. Waste is waste. Just my viewpoint.
I think “me too” would have been a pretty good response also. But I’m not very quick with the comebacks. I think of them later when they’re useless lol
Forget adding more warnings at this point, they need to install a few confetti canons, a “You Win!!” banner that unrolls upon impact, and Ryan Seacrest to present a Darwin Award.
Excel Moving and Storage may want to rethink their name.
you made me laugh.
Could be worse
Now, I’d rather slow down and lose momentum for a pedestrian than trust people in 2+ ton vehicles to pass me at twice my speed safely.
Why would anyone ride on the road when there is a paved trail mere feet from you?
She screamed out her window: “what you want me to do?”
lost in this is the fact that there is a cop out there unfortunate enough to be named Lt. Wrigglesworth
I have a business partner who owns one of these (amongst about a dozen other cars) and in 25,000 miles of San Diego city driving he’s had the dealer replace the clutch twice at around $8,000 a pop. Admittedly, Jalops may find a cheaper way to fix their cars, but I would guess that the average original Maserati owner…
How many times are we gonna use that tired out “Pretty sure..” joke? I mean we’re at the point where it’s not even ironically funny. It’s just not funny anymore.
Right round.
... to be fair... only one person at the K factory can actually afford the car, so technically their entire parking lot is a competitor parking lot. ;)