
My Karma just ran over your Dogma

Har! (Hate that song; it’s on heavy rotation on the office radio)

Cadillac for comic relief, though my choice would have been a circa 2000 Seville STS

And he mentions her thrice, to make sure we got it!

kind off a mute moot point for it’s its main market.

This era Supra is one of those rare cars that are beautiful from any angle!


Here’s Torch when he first read about this:

I’m pretty sure it was a stunt driver, Mike!

Not with an ‘82 Suzuki.

It looks spectacular there!

He’s just so happy! I wish we all could be more like this at our (sucky) jobs!


I know a big part of my job involves finding interesting things about VW Beetles to talk to you about

You mean torque ratios, huehuehue

I see Jay’s last thatch of black hair has finally disappeared!

Is she in credits as Dame Helen Mirren?

When owning a Hummer is just not douchey enough!

Freddy, how many “proposals” (huh huh) have you received?

...and build it closer to my mansion.